This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
ASB Advisor and Teacher of Link Crew Leadership and AP Calculus. It's a pretty sweet gig. I am also a Senior Counselor at Mt. Triumph Leadership Camp, which is an equally amazing part of my life.
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
I teach 8th grade English and the Leadership class at Ballou Junior High in Area 3/Pierce County and am in my 22nd year of teaching, 20 of which included a leadership class or leadership advisory. I am a Teacher Counselor at Camp Columbia Middle Level Summer Leadership Camp at Camp... Read More →
Full time MS Leadership Teacher and ASB AdvisorBeen doing this for a while.Working hard to plan meaningful activities to build culture in this space, in such a strange time in education.I love this conference and being surrounded by like minded people. (Truthfully, my motivation level... Read More →
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
Link to Leadership Goes to the Movies website: Middle Level Pre-Con Presentation:
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
Link to Leadership Goes to the Movies website: Middle Level Pre-Con Presentation:
Link to Leadership Goes to the Movies website: Middle Level Pre-Con Presentation:
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
ASB Advisor and Teacher of Link Crew Leadership and AP Calculus. It's a pretty sweet gig. I am also a Senior Counselor at Mt. Triumph Leadership Camp, which is an equally amazing part of my life.
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
I teach 8th grade English and the Leadership class at Ballou Junior High in Area 3/Pierce County and am in my 22nd year of teaching, 20 of which included a leadership class or leadership advisory. I am a Teacher Counselor at Camp Columbia Middle Level Summer Leadership Camp at Camp... Read More →
Full time MS Leadership Teacher and ASB AdvisorBeen doing this for a while.Working hard to plan meaningful activities to build culture in this space, in such a strange time in education.I love this conference and being surrounded by like minded people. (Truthfully, my motivation level... Read More →
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am
Link to Leadership Goes to the Movies website: Middle Level Pre-Con Presentation:
This is an opportunity to network, connect, and have conversations with people in similar roles. This is a two-part session, meaning you will meet with this same group twice during the conference. -Wednesday 5-5:45 pm -Friday 10:50-11:30 am